Did You Know

Hello Members.

The executive has been made aware that a petition has been circulating around the hospital about allowing members to work more than 7 consecutive shifts in a row and that Cupe members are being approached to sign this petition.

 This petition is not from the Union, imagine your employer having the ability to schedule you to work 10 or 12 day stretches in a row, we all know 7 day stretches  are bad enough and you should be careful what you sign.

The explanation given by those who are circulating the petition to our members as to why they should sign this document has not been vetted by the executive or Cupe national and will hold no bearing on the outcome for bargaining, nor will it affect the  process put in place by the Cupe Constitution that must be followed when bargaining for our entire membership.

Please feel free to reach out to your executive for clarification how the bargaining process works.

Thank you

In Solidarity we stand

Brett Campbell
