The CUPE Return to Work Specialist are available to assist members with sick leaves, long term disability and work related injuries or occupational diseases.
Know your rights and obligation!
- A Members Guide to WSIB for Injured Workers .
- A workplace injury record document to record the incident.
If a work-related injury or occupational diseases occurs:
- Seek medical aid immediately.
- Report the injury or occupational disease right away to the supervisor.
- Complete the REDs online reporting system.
- Complete a workers WSIB FORM 6. Always report injuries that require healthcare (more than a bandage) to WSIB.Here is a link to aide you in filling out the form: Workers Guide to Completing WSIB FORM 6
- Provide the Employer with a copy of the completed WSIB FORM 6
- If you would like one of our representatives to speak to WSIB on your behalf or you need assistance in a Reconsideration please complete the WSIB Authorization for Representatives.
NOTE: All appeals are handled by a CUPE National WSIB Representative. A local CUPE Return to Work Specialist will be the liasion for the member.
Workers Exposure Form
Complete when you have experienced an exposure. 3958a_workerexposureincidentform
The form should be completed when the worker does not become ill or lose work time. This is a tracking method that is voluntary.