Did You Know
Introducing Your New Local Executive!
President Mike Turgeon
Vice President Terry Maki
BGIS (L139-01)Vice President Dan Romain
Chief Stewart Melissa Hodder
Secretary Treasurer Violet Bainbridge-Maurice
Recording Secretary Vanessa Carey
Membership Officer Angela Oates
Representing NBRHC Stewards
Chief Steward Melissa Hodder
Tina Gagnon
Jared Chatelaine
Al Etches
Lynn Phillips (Health and Safety) & (RTW)
Cynthia Jackson (Health and Safety Lead) & (RTW Lead) & (RPN Committee)
Pam Gauthier
Kevin Bennett (L139-01 BGIS)
Laura Kidd (Kirkwood Site)
Lynn Phillips (2yr)
Angela Oates (3yr)
Our Local Bylaws outline the Committee responsibilities and composition. The Local Executive may create ADHOC committees when the need arises, following the guidelines of the CUPE National Bylaws and the Constitution of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).
Sandra Shank
Violet Maurice Bainbridge
Mike Turgeon
Terry Maki
Vanessa Carey
Pam Gauthier
Cynthia Jackson
Abel Farrah
Voting Delegates:
Mike Turgeon
Melissa Hodder
Violet Maurice-Bainbridge
Al Etches
Tina Gagnon
Sandra Shank
Terry Maki
Cynthia Jackson
The Hospital is still in the process of confirming the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee structure. Currently, we have JOHSC at the Main Site, Sudbury Kirkwood site, Devonshire Site, a representative for the West Nipissing Ambulance site. The King street site is currently attending the Main site meetings at the moment. The members of this committee are mandated to police and move to make appropriate reccommendations to address the health and safety issues arising at North Bay Regional Health Center sites.
In the event that you have concerns with the health and safety within any part of the workplace, take the time to contact one of the committee members to follow up and correct. We all work in these facilities so it is also our responsibility to ensure that we all are safe in performing our daily routines.
Your CUPE Health and Safety Representatives:
NBRHC Main Site:
Lynn Phillips, Cynthia Jackson
SUDBURY Kirkwood Site:
King Street Site:
Devonshire Site:
West Nipissing Ambulance Site Representative:
Modified Work Committee
The Return to Work Specialist Committee
We assist with work related or non work related Return to Work, Modified Work, Accommodations and Attendance Support meetings with Occupational Health Nurse, Doctor, Attendance Support Consultant and their manager. We represent the member and ensure they understand their rights and obligations. Please contact the union anytime you need representation to attend a Modified Work meetings.
Sandra Shank (Lead)
Lynn Phillips (RTW)
Pam Gauthier
Equality statement and Code of Conduct
Equality Statement
Union solidarity is based on the principle that union members are equal and deserve
mutual respect at all levels. Any behaviour that creates conflict prevents us from
working together to strengthen our union.
As unionists, mutual respect, cooperation and understanding are our goals. We
should neither condone nor tolerate behaviour that undermines the dignity or self-esteem
of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
Discriminatory speech or conduct which is racist, sexist, transphobic or homophobic
hurts and thereby divides us. So too, does discrimination on the basis of ability,
age, class, religion, language and ethnic origin.
Sometimes discrimination takes the form of harassment. Harassment means using
real or perceived power to abuse, devalue or humiliate. Harassment should not be
treated as a joke. The uneasiness and resentment that it creates are not feelings that
help us grow as a union.
Discrimination and harassment focus on characteristics that make us different; and
they reduce our capacity to work together on shared concerns such as decent wages,
safe working conditions, and justice in the workplace, society and in our union.
CUPE’s policies and practices must reflect our commitment to equality. Members,
staff and elected officers must be mindful that all persons deserve dignity, equality
and respect.
National President National Secretary-Treasurer
Code of conduct
The mandate of our union, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), is to organize and defend workers and to promote economic and social justice for our members and for all workers. In carrying out our work, we in CUPE strive to promote our core values which include the principles of solidarity, equality, democracy, integrity, and respect. We are committed to mobilizing our energy and skills to work together to promote these values and to attain these goals in our union, our communities, and globally.
CUPE is committed to creating a union which is inclusive, welcoming, and free from harassment, discrimination and all types of bullying and intimidation. CUPE needs to ensure that we provide a safe environment for members, staff and elected officers to carry out our work. CUPE’s expectation is that mutual respect, understanding and co-operation will be the basis of all our interaction.
The Code of Conduct sets out standards of behaviour for participants at national convention, national conferences, schools, meetings, and all other events organized by CUPE National. It is consistent with the expectations outlined in the Equality Statement and the CUPE National Constitution.
This Code of Conduct is intended to deal with complaints of inappropriate behaviour at events organized by CUPE National. It does not apply to complaints arising in the workplace, as those are dealt with through the grievance procedure and/or the applicable workplace harassment policy.
As CUPE members, staff, and elected officers, we commit to one another and to the union to be governed by the principles of the Code of Conduct and agree to:
- Abide by the provisions of the Equality Statement.
- Respect the views of others, even when we disagree.
- Recognize and value individual differences.
- Communicate openly.
- Support and encourage each other.
- Make sure that we do not harass or discriminate against each other.
- Commit to not engaging in offensive comment or conduct.
- Make sure that we do not act in ways that are aggressive, bullying, or intimidating.
- Take responsibility for not engaging in inappropriate behaviour due to abuse of alcohol or other drugs while participating in union activities, including social events.
Harassment is objectionable behaviour which may include actions, language, gestures, and/or written material, and which the harasser knows or ought reasonably to know is abusive and unwelcome. Bullying is a form of harassment which is serious ongoing behaviour which targets an individual or group and which threatens that person or persons’ mental and/or physical well-being. |
A complaint regarding the Code of Conduct will be handled as follows:
- If possible, a member may attempt to deal directly with the person alleged to have engaged in behaviour contrary to the Code, by asking him/her to stop such behaviour. If that is not possible, or if it does not resolve the problem, a member may bring forward a complaint.
- At national convention, national conferences, schools, meetings, and all other events organized by CUPE National, a complaint shall be brought to the attention of an ombudsperson.
- If the complaint involves a staff member, it shall be referred to the appropriate director for investigation and the complaint shall be dealt with in accordance with the applicable staff collective agreement.
- Once a complaint is received, the ombudsperson will work to seek a resolution.
- If this fails to resolve the matter, the ombudsperson shall report the matter to the person in charge, who shall determine whether there is need to remove the member. The person in charge has the authority to expel members from the event for serious or persistent offenses.
- At CUPE National events where an ombudsperson is not available, a person properly appointed and designated to be in charge shall receive the complaint. Depending on the nature of the problem, the person in charge may attempt to resolve it through conflict resolution. If this fails to resolve the matter, the person in charge shall determine whether there is a need to remove the member. The person in charge has the authority to expel members from the event for serious or persistent offenses.
- If the person in charge is a party to the complaint, the director or designate shall assume that role.
- In a case where a member has been expelled from an event, the National President shall receive a report on the matter.
This Code of Conduct is designed to create a safe, respectful and supportive environment within CUPE. It is meant to enhance the rights and obligations outlined in the CUPE National Constitution, the Equality Statement, and applicable human rights legislation, not replace them.
CUPE National encourages all chartered organizations to develop and adopt a Code of Conduct based on this model, to apply to conventions, conferences, schools and meetings which they organize.
CUPE Education Opportunities
- See all workshops available in North Bay
- For more CUPE education opportunities, please visit: https://cupe.ca/union-education
- What is Local Executive Training? CUPE Local Executive Training
- What workshops does CUPE offer to members? CUPE Workshop Catalogue
Collective agreement
CA Combined CUPE L139 NBRHC Expired 2023-09-28 | CUPE 139/139-01
Participating Hospitals and CUPE Local Issues-Final-May 26 2019
CUPE 139 members receive health and dental benefits through Sun Life. For forms and information on coverage, please visit their member portal. If you don’t already have an account, you can register through their site.
For information on long-term disability and Employee Assistance, please talk to your steward.
Health and safety
Here are a number links that will assist you:
- Ontario Health and Safety Act – FAQ’s, A Guide to the Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Regulations – Health and Safety
- Ministry of Labour Health and Safety – Inspection Blitzes, Laws-Health and Safety
- Health and Safety Ontario
- Public Services Health and Safety Associations – Free Resource Manuals
- Canada’s National Centre for Health and Safety
- Workers Health and Safety Centre
- Institute for Work and Health
- WSIB – Related Organizations
Other Links:
Heat Stress
Want to read the WHSC Heat Stress: Cool Solutions fact sheet?
Want to access workplace heat stress assessment tools developed by OHCOW?
Want to read the OHCOW publication Hazards of Working in the Sun?
WSIB and disability management
The CUPE Return to Work Specialist are available to assist members with sick leaves, long term disability and work related injuries or occupational diseases.
Know your rights and obligation!
- A Members Guide to WSIB for Injured Workers .
- A workplace injury record document to record the incident.
If a work-related injury or occupational diseases occurs:
- Seek medical aid immediately.
- Report the injury or occupational disease right away to the supervisor.
- Complete the REDs online reporting system.
- Complete a workers WSIB FORM 6. Always report injuries that require healthcare (more than a bandage) to WSIB.Here is a link to aide you in filling out the form: Workers Guide to Completing WSIB FORM 6
- Provide the Employer with a copy of the completed WSIB FORM 6
- If you would like one of our representatives to speak to WSIB on your behalf or you need assistance in a Reconsideration please complete the WSIB Authorization for Representatives.
NOTE: All appeals are handled by a CUPE National WSIB Representative. A local CUPE Return to Work Specialist will be the liasion for the member.
Workers Exposure Form
Complete when you have experienced an exposure. 3958a_workerexposureincidentform
The form should be completed when the worker does not become ill or lose work time. This is a tracking method that is voluntary.
Job postings
NBRHC job postings are only available through the hospital Intranet.
CUPE 139 members are part of the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP). For more information about your plan, guides, and the retirement calculator, visit their website. If you have questions or concerns, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive.